Annie and Blackie
Pencil art for me is like Yoga or Transcendental Meditation to others, and when I add the chance to do something that means a lot to someone else, my enjoyment obviously multiplies. So, you can understand my joy when my cousins in Oregon commissioned me to draw their two cats Annie and Blackie. Annie had already passed away and I’m sure they miss her as only animal lovers can. She went outside one day and never returned.
Since Annie’s demise, Blackie seems to be a happy camper since he doesn't have to share the attention anymore, or get hollered at for chasing Annie around the house. They both were Feral kitties so they had a lot of back and forth encounters.
For me, Blackie was a wonderful challenge. I experimented with different methods to get the soft light reflection from the totally black fur. I finally ended up indenting the paper with 4 and 6H (hard) pencils prior to using the heavy black. This not only gave me the light reflected areas needed but also made the fur look more realistic. The indenting was done primarily on the cheeks and side toward the rear. For those interested, I used Canson smooth Bristol 100 lb. paper. It does well with indenting and also accepts heavy black applications with little effort. Blackie was a lot of fun to draw and another great learning experience for me.